In this week’s podcast, we’re privileged to talk with Allan Atlee. Allan recently took up the role of Deputy Director at the Glasgow School of Art, and is the former Dean of Academic Strategy at Central Saint Martins in London. Apart from being a highly experienced senior academic, Allan is an all round nice chap and so it’s an absolute pleasure to have him as our guest on the Ding-O-Meter.

Now, there are a lot of Ding moments in this episode – but some of the key lightbulb moments are:

  • How the move to online learning has re-radicalised old knowledge, which is particularly evident in the renewed focus on the importance of student-centred learning;
  • How the shift to online teaching has forced educators to refocus on what we count as evidence of learning, because it’s harder to get distracted by the shiny things that students have produced;
  • The real need to be more mindful of the factors that make it difficult for students to learn, such as home working conditions and family pressures;
  • The risks of burnout for tutors who are increasingly working out of hours to satisfy students’ demands for 24/7 support;
  • Whether the different spaces that are so valued in art and design education be effectively translated online, such as the studio and workshop;
  • And critically, the need for online teaching to go beyond simply broadcasting information and focus much more on facilitating engagement and learning.

We hope you enjoy this episode – if you have a lightbulb moment, please share it in the comments below!

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