tips and tricks for awesome learning design

Emma Henry: why gamification often fails

Emma Henry: why gamification often fails

Emma Henry is a learning designer who helps businesses develop products and apps that have a positive impact on learning. She's also a gamification ninja, and regularly helps companies align their...

Great online learning isn’t about technology

Great online learning isn’t about technology

A lot of people think that awesome online learning is all about using the latest whizzy technology. It isn’t. If someone talks at you for 30 minutes, you switch off - whether you’re online or...

Create the conditions for invention

Create the conditions for invention

"The role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention rather than provide ready-made knowledge." Seymour Papert High quality learning is active - in other words, it involves the learner...

Environment influences learning performance

Environment influences learning performance

In business contexts, it is generally accepted that the environment can influence the performance of employees and leaders. But the influence of the online environment is often overlooked when it...

Find the desire paths your learners use

Find the desire paths your learners use

Even if you haven’t heard of desire paths, you’ve seen them. They are the shortcuts across the grass people take instead of the paved paths provided and represent the shortest route between an...

How to avoid the filing cabinet problem

How to avoid the filing cabinet problem

If you've ever had to put content into a VLE orLMS, you've probably faced the 'filing cabinet' problem. This problem can be explained as confusing content for learning. All too often, educational...

What kind of online course is right for you?

What kind of online course is right for you?

We’re all different. This means that what some people consider to be effective online learning may not work for others. So how do you know whether an online course is any good? To find out, you have...

Ask, don’t tell – it’s all about questions

Ask, don’t tell – it’s all about questions

Use questions. Sounds simple, doesn't it? But all too often, online learning becomes a passive experience based on the transmission of knowledge. This will disengage your learners. Using questions...

Make your online session look nice

Make your online session look nice

Nobody likes staring at a mess. When you're learning online, all you have is what's on the screen. So if the screen looks boring, or cluttered, you're unlikely to want to spend much time looking at...

Give spoken instructions in writing too

Give spoken instructions in writing too

Make sure all spoken instructions are backed up by the same instructions in writing. When you're talking with your learners, it's easy to assume they have understood you. Some learners will even nod...

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