Emma Henry: why gamification often fails

Emma Henry: why gamification often fails

Emma Henry is a learning designer who helps businesses develop products and apps that have a positive impact on learning. She’s also a gamification ninja, and regularly helps companies align their products more clearly with learners’ needs. In this...
David James: How data and experiments can save L&D

David James: How data and experiments can save L&D

If you’ve got data, it should be driving learning in your organisation. So says David James, Chief Learning Officer at Looop, where he helps businesses use a data-driven approach to learning in order to solve business problems. In this episode, David argues how...
Great online learning isn’t about technology

Great online learning isn’t about technology

A lot of people think that awesome online learning is all about using the latest whizzy technology. It isn’t. If someone talks at you for 30 minutes, you switch off – whether you’re online or face-to-face. A boring teacher is a boring teacher, whether they’re...