Learning Design

our design and build service ensures you get maximum value from your learning and
training provision


What we do

Whether your learners are students, customers or employees, a quality learning experience will help produce the desired behaviour.

We help you create transformative learning experiences that engage and inspire your audience while helping you achieve your business objectives.


How we do it


  • We work with you to define the aims and outcomes of your course.
  • We determine how the course outcomes will help you achieve your business goals and meet the needs of your customers, employees or students.
  • We design creative learning and assessment activities that enable your learners to achieve the outcomes and have fun along the way.


  • We create inclusive, accessible learning content that informs and engages your target audience.
  • We train your team to produce content so you can continue to evolve your course.
  • We provide you with branded templates to speed up the process of creating inclusive learning content.


  • We help you determine the role of community in your course, because we believe community is the secret sauce of creative learning design.
  • We help you leverage the benefits that a functioning community can bring to your learners – and to your business.
  • We teach your tutors how to be effective facilitators so they can continue to grow and develop the course community.
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