Preparing for blended learning

If we’ve learned anything through the pandemic, it’s that we have to provide flexible learning. 

Designing an effective blended learning experience requires careful consideration of your learners’ needs. It also requires a realistic assessment of your resources.

This course gives you practical strategies for developing an appropriate blend of learning activities.

Ding Toolbox

What will you learn?

Week 1

aligning activities
with outcomes

  • Clarifying what your learners have to learn
  • Anticipating your learners’ diverse needs and prior knowledge
  • Evaluating your existing resources
  • Exploring active learning strategies
  • Creating an appropriate blend of synchronous and asynchronous activities

Week 2

moving from teaching
to facilitating 

  • Making students feel welcome
  • Structuring sessions around questions
  • Harnessing peer learning through teamwork
  • Creating a supportive learning environment
  • Making the most of your resources

Week 3

maximising engagement
through community

  • Choosing an appropriate platform
  • Defining roles and responsibilities
  • Onboarding and engaging your learners
  • Planning and facilitating community activities
  • Aligning your community with your learning outcomes
  • Resolving disputes and differences

How will you learn?

At Ding, we model the flexible experience your own learners will expect. Here’s how it works.


You’ll receive a short video introduction to each week. This explains what we’ll be doing, and how best to approach the course materials and activities.


We meet on Zoom each Wednesday lunchtime. During this session, we go deeper into key ideas and concepts, and discuss the activities you’re working on.


You’ll receive a nicely-designed pack of tips, tools and techniques. These reinforce what you’ve learned on the course (and save you having to take notes…)