The Ding Pitch

The Ding Manifesto


Extensive research shows that technology often alone fails to enhance learning.

The technologies used in teaching are rarely designed with learning in mind. This often leads to low engagement and low-level learning outcomes.

Online learning design often ignores the diverse needs of learners and fails to put them at the centre of the learning experience.


Unless we improve online learning design, we will continue to waste time and resources and fail to capitalise on the opportunities that digital technologies can bring to learning.

We’re now living in a time where the world needs online learning more than ever before. Learners increasingly want flexible access to learning and don’t want to travel unless absolutely necessary. Businesses want more efficient ways of training their employees and reaching more customers.


The answer is to put the learner at the centre of the learning experience, not the technology.

Awesome online learning isn’t about technology, it’s about people. It’s about empathising with learners’ needs, then creating meaningful relationships using technology.

It’s about focusing on what you want your learners to know and do at the end of the course, then using appropriate technologies to deliver these outcomes in the most awesome way possible.

It’s about using language that not only makes sense to your learners, but gives them confidence that they can succeed.

And it’s about designing an online learning environment that is constantly working to deliver the intended outcomes.

why we do it

At Ding, our mission is to help people create online learning experiences that are fit for the 21st century.

We want to make sure that learners around the globe benefit from great online learning design,
and are able to live more fulfilled lives as a result.

how we do it

We work with universities, businesses, software and technology vendors and training providers
to improve the online learning experience. Here’s how

    we can help you achieve your goals through better online learning – fancy a chat?

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