The skillset of a learning leader

Working in a senior learning role requires a complex set of skills. You need to both understand the needs of the business and also be able to design learning products and experiences that will deliver the business strategy.

Callum Goodwilliam is a Learning Consultant who has held several senior learning roles at businesses including Shopify and General Assembly. In this episode, Callum talks about the hidden skills that have enabled him to succeed in these roles.

The conversation revealed the power of compassion, beginner’s mind and leading through action in producing successful learning experiences.

Why learning designers are leaders

At Ding, we have long advocated for the leadership aspect of learning design. Too often, learning designers are brought in to ‘tinker’ with an existing course, or build a new programme.

But this often masks the leadership skills that are required to do this effectively including asking difficult questions, building consensus, moving forward with incomplete information and taking responsibility in the face of ambiguity.

In this episode, we explore the leadership traits inherent in good learning design, and ask Callum to share his advice for learning designers looking to progress into more senior roles.

Enjoy the podcast!

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